Tampa concrete floor polishing that lasts

Concrete floor polishing has become very popular in the past few years particularly in businesses where there is a great deal of traffic. It is durable, easy to take care of and, when sealed, will not stain or chip, This makes it preferable over carpeting, vinyl or hardwood flooring which, when there is heavy traffic, requires constant replacement or repairs.


Maintaining a Polished Concrete Floor

As a rule, a concrete floor that is used in a business is stained a certain color or shade. This beautiful color is maintained with concrete floor polishing by Tampa companies who are highly trained in the craft.

Steps required for a proper polished concrete floor in Tampa are:

  • When it is determined that there is no water present on the floor, a stiff-bristled push broom is used to sweep it clean.
  • A 30 to 40 grit metal-bonded diamond polishing disc is then attached to the bottom of the polisher. This concrete floor polishing in Tampa disc is then moved carefully over the floor in small circles, being careful to not overlap the working areas. This keeps the polishing even.
  • At this point, the concrete floor polishing in Tampa service will sweep the floor again, change to a medium-coarse polishing pad and repeat the process.
  • Concrete sealer is applied and allowed to soak into the floor.
  • The floor is mopped with clean water and the polished concrete floor and a polisher, with a special disc attached, is run evenly over the floor. This is done two times.
  • The latter is repeated adjusting the size of the disc at each sweep and a final polished concrete floor mopping completes the process.


Advantages of a Home’s Polished Concrete Floor in Tampa

There are many advantages to a beautifully stained and polished concrete floor. They are sustainable and can last as long as 100 years. Many people find that this type of floor works equally well in a kitchen or living room when sanded down, sealed and polished. This is a very economical type of flooring with a cost of approximately $2 to $8 per foot.

However, like all concrete floors, it is important to have these floors periodically polished by concrete floor polishing in Tampa professionals. This makes it possible to have beautiful concrete floors for years and eliminates the problem of dirty rugs, damaged flooring and so forth.


Proper Concrete Refinishing of Tampa Floors

Concrete refinishing requires the services of an expert in order to achieve the polished look that is desired. You will find that a polished concrete floor in Tampa requires a high-quality epoxy application. This is the best product to use when desiring a polished and neat look. Naturally, the type of material used when working with concrete refinishing in Tampa homes and businesses depends on the location and how the floor is being used.

A heavy industrial use polished concrete floor in Tampa, for example, may require a buildup of multiple coats of materials and then concrete refinishing with an Tampa coating. This may require two or three layers to achieve the look desired. Concrete refinishing by an Tampa firm that has highly experienced personnel and the proper equipment will produce the finished look desired.